Sunday, February 15, 2009

Autism had my daughter.

My daughter never had autism. Autism had my daughter. 

Along with all that I surely passed to her in the womb, she was also exposed to toxins in vaccines, until her near death reaction, when we stopped giving them to her. She also comes from a long line of autoimmune disorders, putting her at greater risk for vaccine reactions, and autism, though I didn't know that until after the fact. 

Inability to detoxify, overgrowth of yeast in her entire body, and exposure to foods which affected her brain, were all symptoms which had her trapped. In pain. Freaking out. Screaming. Banging her head.

My daughter never had autism. Autism had my daughter.

We began by avoiding further exposure to poisons. We got rid of plastic, aluminum, and non-stick coating in the kitchen. Any unhealthy cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, everything we could think of. 

Then we did the seemingly logical thing, and got some therapists. They came with good intentions of course, but for a year, people were talking in front of our daughter, pointing out and dissecting her every flaw. Sure, she didn't appear to know what they were saying, she didn't even appear to know what was going on around her, but it affected her. 

I got rid of the therapists and started telling her how proud I was of her, how I knew she could do anything she wanted to do. I got to reading and researching, and that's when I found out about DAN! doctors, and the diet. 

Within days of the gluten-free/casein-free diet a lot of the autism went away.

My daughter never had autism. Autism had my daughter.

We began working with a DAN! doctor and nutritionist, fighting the yeast, healing the intestines, adding the vitamins. More and more the autism went away.

My daughter never had autism. Autism had my daughter.

Now, well into a year of chelation, she is beginning to emerge. Personality, sass, typical childlike behavior. I delight in her newly acquired language, the way she cuddles with me, the attitude, the singing, and the laughter. 

The autism is leaving and she is coming to life. 

My daughter never had autism. Autism had my daughter.


  1. Thank you for sharing your story. It's great to we aren't alone in this isn't it?

  2. Thanks for listening :) We sure aren't alone. I'm so thankful of all the support we have now days. Great to have you here!
